
What a great weekend at Overworlds & Underworlds! We can’t wait to see all your photos. Here’s the first few… http://t.co/6iRrbFp6 #owuw


#owuw @ Dark Arches http://t.co/HHeXYcRX


@ow_uw loved it ‘not as spooky as you said it would be, mummy’ said 4yo #owuw


@nalsa your photo shows it more clearly than actually being there… :) fraction of a second #owuw


@HGateBrassBand Amazing, thankyou! You were fantastic, so uplifting – everyone loved marching behind you #owuw


so exciting “@OW_UW: I have seen full dress rehearsal; lights, music, dancers, projections, installations, sound. Breathtaking. #owuw”


We are loving the chalk drawings appearing all around granary wharf, by @tigertea apparently #owuw http://t.co/jkRg2uJf


Had a good time in Leeds exploring #owuw


http://t.co/UM0LvWTK night shot of the sculpture on briggate #owuw #ow_uw #flickr #leeds #photography


#owuw http://t.co/76J7RbLF


RT @skiptomyloulou: 7 yr old has declared this puppet awesome Just had to wait for him not to be scared Think crisps helped #owuw @OW_UW http://t.co/9TeuaEp6


Ponderings on #owuw 2: ..ethereal but seldom able to make out the words (yes I know some in German), installations interesting but rarely..


RT @PhoenixLeeds: Today Phoenix take our first steps into The Dark Arches… It’s going to be UNREAL #OWUW @OW_UW http://t.co/8mBKhXuT


@VictoriaBetton also I struggled as I just couldn’t get to see some bits very well in UW, hard to get to front of last arch etc #owuw


#owuw http://t.co/31Ozfdm9


RT @mikechitty: Overworld: Leeds Loves Shopping. Underworld: Leeds loves addictions… #owuw


#owuw #countyarcade #Leeds http://t.co/7qrImOsR


Follow @chazzavincent for an insiders take on #owuw . She’s been doing great things with @PhoenixLeeds for the Dark Arches this weekend.


RT @lechalet69: #OWUW arches major performance with all the chairs, disturbingly brilliant


Don’t forget live stream from County Arcade of #owuw Fri/Sat 6-8pm via @thespaceart here http://t.co/oFPZ7MuI


#owuw If you don’t make it tonight do go tomorrow – especially the Dark Arches as you have never seen them before ……..


RT @EwanMitchell: What a beautiful sound #owuw


@munrohouseleeds it all looks really exciting! Great to see #Leeds part of the Olympic celebrations with #owuw


RT @leedsplaylist: #NowPlaying Take That – The Flood for @OW_UW #owuw #LeedsPlaylist


RT @chris_t1990: it’s a sailboat made from a walnut shell, bursting through the ground on a tree root.I like it. http://t.co/fUfOr4VT #owuw


#owuw looking great from the pics, can’t wait to pop down on Sunday! #leeds


RT @Lindsay22w: What he said MT I don’t think of myself as a cynic or passive aggressive..just didn’t think,personally, that #owuw was very good in the main


RT @GrandTheatreLS1: RT @Opera_North: Tweet @Opera_North your photos of #owuw happenings in #Leeds #26hourstogo http://t.co/CnyUbLIX


Turbines way underground #owuw http://t.co/l0f1pNDk


@BobbinsLeeds I’m not sure but I don’t think that’s what the Brothers Quay were going for? #OWUW